Mon - Sat 09:00AM - 06:00PM | Sun 10:00AM - 06:00PM

Lunch Time 1PM to 2PM - (Firday 1PM to 3PM)

Security General Insurance

Security General Insurance

Toyota Walton Motors offers the Security General Insurance Plan

Comprehensive Insurance Plan:

Owning a Security General Insurance Company Limited Motor Insurance policy, as required under the Motor Vehicle Act, ensures that vehicle owners are protected from financial losses caused by damage or theft to the vehicle and third-party liability.


The SGI motor insurance policy, offered by Toyota Walton Motors, provides maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage, and third-party liability, with greater benefits, innovative features, and hassle-free pre- and post-insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:

Loss or Damage Due To:

  • Accidental means, Fire, external explosion, Self-ignition
  • Lightning, Flood
  • Theft & Burglary
  • Malicious Act
  • Whilst in transit (Road & Rail)
  • Terrorism, Riots & Strikes (Optional)
  • Third Party Liability:
    • Property Damage
    • Bodily Injury
    • Death

Value Added Services

  • Contact Center Number: 042-35775024-29

Some Exclusions

  • Losses incurred outside the geographical area of Pakistan
  • Consequential loss, depreciation, wear and tear
  • Mechanical or electrical breakdowns, failures, or breakage
  • Damage to Tyres and Battery unless the Motor Car is damaged simultaneously, in which case the company’s liability is limited to 50% of the replacement cost

Premium Payment Method Premium payment can be made through cash, cheque, pay order, demand draft, or telex transfer to the concerned SGI branch.

Claim Reporting Process

  • The Call Center registers the claim request after receiving all personal details and details of the policy taken for verification.
  • The company appoints a surveyor who inspects the vehicle and submits the loss report.
  • After completing the required formalities and documents, the claim is processed by the company immediately.
  • Upon approval of the claim, the payment cheque is released.
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